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Review Demeures de la Massane Apartment 3

Argelès-sur-Mer, Occitanie, France
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Demeures de la Massane Apartment 3 Reviews

Sandro from France
April 2024
Hello, the apartment is correct but the terrace with grass up to 1 m we were not able to eat on the terrace, then we were sold a week with the suppose... More »
TYPHANIE from France
September 2023
Very dirty accommodation when we arrived we had to disinfect. Blocked sink and broken shower we had to get angry to get a technician after 3 days. The... More »
Arlette from France
April 2022
If the setting was pleasant, the rental had little comfort (small and dilapidated sofa), defective coffee table and chairs that were too old and not v... More »