The cottage its self was OK, the location however is terrible. I understand that's no reflection of the cottage but I feel more could have been done prior to our stay to warn/advise on just how remote the location was. We researched the location online but getting a feel for the lack of taxis, buses and general public services is something you really don't find until you're there. What we did receive prior to our stay was lots of "if you need help then please ask" and "don't suffer in silence, we're here to help you" kind of thing. This obviously gave me the impression that people would actually help me should I have needed it. After struggling to find public transport we sought help via the overly 'we WILL help you' email to find a taxi. I got a response along the lines of 'yeah I know bloke, he's near you'. We contacted this nearby man who said he might be able to taxi us and he'd let us know. Nearby Taxi man, never got back to us and so I returned to the handy 'we will most certainly help you' email asking if there was anymore taxis or alternative transport available. I guess not getting back to people must be a good bit of Cotswold banter as this email was also ignored. I get it's a remote area, and I understand that public transport in the area may be limited but what I have no understanding for is poor customer service. To just not reply, I think is terrible especially after receiving an email encouraging to ask for help. Once again, the cottage was OK, not amazing but OK but poor customer service has overshadowed the whole experience for me and based on my experience, I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone.