The cottage was well appointed and of course in a fantastic location with views and access to spectacular scenery.. Overall we had an enjoyable stay but there were niggles and annoyances; we would return again but better prepared through these experiences. The oil-heating system I suspect was a bit past its prime and not fit for purpose; the three ancient-looking radiators in the main room barely took the edge of the cold; we fared better in the bedroom, much more cosy, but only because the owners had thoughtfully supplied electric blankets plus there was double-glazing fitted. On this basis it felt more a spring, summer and autumn property. There was an large open fire in the living room and again the owners had thoughtfully supplied a large basket of wood, firelighters and newspaper - but no matches. I didn't fancy a pitch-black drive along miles of chicaning single track to Pooley Bridge and had to wait for the day after. It would've been useful for the literature to suggest we bring a box or be told this when we contacted the owner/agent about when we expected to arrive. An axe would also have been useful as the wood - and most wood then bought from surrounding villages and B&M and B&Q in Penrith - were Sequoia chunks. I ended up like Mr. Universe bellowing and wafting the grate for hours getting the fire bed hot enough and able to then devour the large chunks on its own. Once the fire was going it was great in the living room but an axe would have been useful to chop these into more manageable pieces initially. We had a RCD blow taking out random, unrelated appliances like the kettle, fridge, Sky Box, TV and WiFi. The info folder made no mention of the fuse box's location; we could not contact the owners as there was no 'phone signal and of course no WiFi. After twenty minutes of 'Hunt the Fuse Box' I eventually located it behind a door with no handle at the back of the living room managing to get a finger in and prise it open. I found in fact no RCD had blown but got power back by pushing the test switch up (...?!). There were one or two other things but it'll just sound like moaning; it was just little, overlooked things that irritated but finally didn't dampen a good stay.