Miss Lauwaert
July 2018
A really cute and cosy cottage.. Don’t expect WiFi, easy roads or modernity here. But it’s what makes the charm of this secluded retreat. The dog sleeping by a warm fire after an evening hiking around sky, friends gathered around the kitchen table playing games and drinking cider before tucking in a cosy bed admiring wonderful sunsets, wonderful views on Raasay as your take your morning stroll or enjoy your coffee in the garden.
A fair warning that some people before us complained about : yes it a small cottage, with a really small tv and no WiFi. The road to the cottage could be hard to access in the winter. It’s rustic. But that’s also why we loved the place. It’s full of charm. Would go there again without a doubt. The only trouble we had weren’t with the place or the owner but with the people who rented it before who didn’t stack fire woods or replenish the tea, coffee, flour, etc. As was asked.